Landmark’s members have adopted The Bar Council’s Standard Conditions of Contract for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons 2020. Save where otherwise agreed in advance, any new instructions will proceed on the basis of these standard terms, as amended by the liability cap referred to below.
A guide to the Standard Contractual Terms can be found here.
Please note that under these Standard Conditions of Contract, barristers’ individual liability is subject to a cap (inclusive of your costs). This cap applies whether in contract, tort, breach of statutory duty or otherwise, and includes but is not limited to, a claim for negligence. The cap applies whether the instruction is accepted under the Standard Conditions of Contract referred to above, or any other terms which may be agreed from time to time.
Standard Conditions of Contract do not apply to licensed access, direct access, work involving a public funding certificate, or matters subject to a Conditional Fee Agreement.
For further information, including confirmation of the cap in place for each barrister, please contact a member of our Practice Management Team by clicking here.
We pride ourselves on delivering a high-quality service to both our professional and lay clients.
Like all organisations we may occasionally make a mistake and we welcome your feedback and the opportunity to make amends. Should any of our clients wish to raise a complaint which cannot be resolved informally, they are invited to contact our Chief Operating Officer, Neil Thomas, by sending an email to
A copy of our Complaints Policy is available to download here. Hard copies can also be obtained by contacting our HR and Administration Manager, Natasha White-Foy.
From time to time Landmark Chambers and individual barristers will hold membership or associate membership of organisations involved in one or more of Chambers’ areas of practice (planning and environmental law, property, public, valuation and rating law). Such memberships are held solely for the purposes of ensuring Landmark Chambers and its barristers are fully informed and engaged with the current issues and views of the full range of stakeholders with interests in the areas in which we practice.
Members of Landmark Chambers are independent self-employed practitioners. As they do not work in partnership, they are often instructed to act on behalf of different parties in the same case, which is common practice at the Bar.
We place great importance on client confidentiality and endeavour to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place wherever a conflict of interest arises. As such, Landmark has created a Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest Policy to ensure that the confidentiality requirements of the Bar Code of Conduct are met and that confidentiality is maintained by members, practice managers and other members of staff.
For further information, please contact one of our Practice Directors, Ben Connor or Mark Ball.