
Landmark has a market-leading reputation across planning, property, environment, public and administrative, and rating and valuation law. We offer exceptional clerking, accommodation and administrative support for barristers and a competitive charging structure alongside access to high quality work and a supportive, friendly and collegiate professional working environment. Our friendly Chambers is a great place to grow your career at a top-ranked, award-winning set.

Recruitment intro


Landmark offers up to three London-based pupillages of twelve months duration each year, during which time our pupils benefit from high-quality and constructive training in all of Chambers’ complementary practice areas.

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  • "
    Landmark really cares about their pupils, and that’s what makes their pupillage such fantastic preparation for tenancy."

    Chambers and Partners

Mini pupilage

Mini Pupillage

Landmark runs a comprehensive mini-pupillage programme from Chambers’ offices in London, taking up to 60 students per annum for a period of three to five days’ duration.

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Third six pupilage

Third Six Opportunities

Landmark occasionally offers third six placements.

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Recruitment Equality image

Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing

Chambers is committed to the furtherance of equality and diversity at the Bar. We are an equal opportunities employer and run a number of initiatives designed to promote equality, diversity and wellbeing.

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Recruitment events

At Landmark we love getting out and about to meet potential future barristers. Whether it's at one of the pupillage or law fairs or at one of our own events, come and chat to us to see whether becoming a pupil at Landmark is for you.

Open evenings Moot Competition


Landmark offers exceptional clerking, accommodation and administrative support for barristers and a competitive charging structure alongside access to high quality work and a supportive, friendly and collegiate professional working environment.

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an unrivalled breadth of talent, with the perfect balance of a range of heavyweight silks and a full complement of highly capable juniors."
Chambers and Partners
Work experience

Work experience

Ever wondered what a career in a set of barristers would be like? Here's your chance to find out about the range of possible jobs on offer, from HR to Finance, IT to Operations, Facilities to Marketing.

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Staff vacancies

Join our friendly and professional team! You'll find all our vacancies as they become available, here.

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Staff Vacancies

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