19 03 2025
Property Nuts and Bolts – Part 4 – Boundary disputes - Webinar - Full Presentation
In the planning context, he frequently acts in planning appeals and in High Court challenges against decisions of local planning authorities and the Secretary of State. His property work spans both landlord and tenant and real property, in particular disputes over easements, rights of way and covenants. In respect to rating, Harley specialises in both advice and advocacy in disputes over liability in Court and the VTE.
Harley’s current and recent work includes:
Harley is a member of the Attorney General’s “Junior Junior” scheme, and a member of Advocate’s panel of barristers.
Prior to coming to the Bar, Harley worked in legal research and law reform. He obtained a doctorate in law which focused on property law and housing. He was also a Research Assistant in Law Commission’s Property, Family and Trusts team, where he worked on reforming the law of commonhold. Harley also worked at as a Research Assistant at the University of Oxford on a project exploring legal obligations for infrastructure and estate management in new build estates, and as a Research Assistant at the University of Kent on a leasehold reform project for the Welsh Government. Harley also has first-hand experience of local government, working in the Urban and Social Regeneration department of a unitary authority while completing his LLB.
Harley graduated top of his class in Law, and won a number of university awards for his performance in his final year exams. He received one of Gray’s Inn most prestigious Bar course scholarships (the Baroness Hale of Richmond Scholarship). He was also awarded a scholarship by the Erasmus Mundus Consortium to complete a Master’s degree in Urban Studies at the Universities of Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen and Madrid.
Harley’s practice encompasses the full spectrum of property law. He is regularly instructed to appear in property disputes both in Court and the FTT for both claimants and defendants. He has experience acting for clients on a wide range of property matters, including:
Harley also has experience in planning law, and is well-placed to receive instructions on matters that raise both property and planning issues.
Harley’s practical experience is complemented by his expertise in property law acquired prior to joining Chambers. He has a PhD in law which focused on property law and housing. He has also worked at the University of Oxford as a Research Assistant on a project exploring rentcharges and onerous obligations on freehold land, and at the University of Kent on a leasehold reform project for the Welsh Government. Harley also taught property law (both land law and equity and trusts) to LLB and LLM students. From this range of experience, Harley is well versed in tackling and explaining complex topics in property law.
Harley is a member of the editorial team for the Encyclopedia of Housing Law and Practice.
Harley has experience across a wide range of planning, environment and infrastructure matters, acting for both claimants and defendants. He regularly appears in the Magistrates Court, the High Court and at planning inquiries.
Harley’s current and recent planning work includes:
Harley has a busy advisory practice encompassing all aspects of planning an related areas, including highways, commons, and town and village greens. He is regularly asked to advise claimants on High Court challenges.
Harley has a particular interest in public rights of way, commons, and town and village greens. He has assisted with a DMMO inquiry, and has published work in the Modern Law Review on recent developments in town and village green law.
Harley has a Master’s degree in Urban Studies which explored issues in urban planning and development. As part of his studies, he met policy makers and local government officials in cities across Europe, providing a valuable insight into planning policy.
Commercial Landlord and Tenant
Easements and Profits a Prendre
Planning Appeals, Inquiries and Hearings
Planning Enforcement and Injunctions
Planning Judicial and Statutory Reviews
Highways, Footpaths and Rights of Way
Full Presentation
19 03 2025
Property Nuts and Bolts – Part 4 – Boundary disputes - Webinar - Full Presentation
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