24 12 2024
Landmark Chambers appears in 11 out of 12 of Planning’s 12 key rulings of 2024
She acts for a wide range of public and private sector clients, including housebuilders, land promoters, central government, local authorities and residents’ groups. She is a member of the AG’s C Panel of Counsel to the Crown.
Isabella was listed as the second highest-rated planning barrister under the age of 35 in Planning Magazine’s 2024 survey, and in the top ten junior planning barristers overall. She is ranked as a ‘Rising Star’ in Planning by Legal 500 and as ‘Up and Coming’ by Chambers and Partners. She is described as “a star now” and “incredible impressive” (Planning Magazine). She “possesses incredible intellect and is a creative, strategic team player. Her written work is perfect” (Legal 500).
Isabella’s recent planning, environmental and compulsory purchase work includes:
Isabella’s public law work includes:
Before joining Landmark, Isabella spent nearly two years as the Judicial Assistant to the President of the UK Supreme Court, Lord Reed of Allermuir. At the Supreme Court, Isabella gained experience of a wide range of issues across her main areas of practice, including in:
Alongside her practice, Isabella teaches EU Law at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge. She has taught EU Law at Cambridge since 2017 and was elected as a Bye-Fellow of St Edmund’s in 2021.
Isabella has a broad planning practice, covering a full range of court, inquiry and advisory work. She was listed as the second highest-rated planning barrister under the age of 35 in Planning Magazine’s 2024 survey, and in the top ten junior planning barristers overall. She is ranked as a ‘Rising Star’ in Planning by Legal 500 and as ‘Up and Coming’ by Chambers and Partners.
She has experience of promoting and objecting to complex schemes in sensitive locations, including London tall buildings and residential development in the Green Belt.
Isabella’s inquiry experience includes:
Isabella has appeared as a junior and as sole counsel in High Court planning challenges, including:
Isabella’s recent enforcement work has included a high-profile appeal against an enforcement notice requiring the removal of a statue known as ‘The Don’ in Cambridge (led by Lord Banner KC) and obtaining an injunction requiring the removal of 600 tonnes of waste from a former quarry in Suffolk (as sole counsel).
Isabella has experience of both promoting and objecting to CPOs at inquiry. She acted for the promoters of the CPO for The Green, Southall (led by Zack Simons) and for objectors to the High Road West CPO in Tottenham (unled).
Isabella is currently acting for the Secretary of State in relation to high value compensation claims arising out of the acquisition of land to deliver the Birmingham Terminus of HS2 (led by Guy Williams KC and Nina Pindham).
Isabella is building a broad environmental practice.
She recently acted (unled) for a community group challenging the grant of planning permission for a sewage pumping station on EIA grounds (R (Llandaff North Residents’ Association) v Cardiff Council and others [2023] EWHC 1731 (Admin)), for agricultural businesses objecting to the revocation of their groundwater abstraction licences by the Environment Agency (led by David Forsdick KC) and in a challenge to the DCO for the Net Zero Teesside CCUS project (led by Catherine Dobson with Alex Shattock).
Isabella gained experience of a range of environmental law matters during her time as a Judicial Assistant at the Supreme Court, including in:
Isabella has a particular interest in environmental cases with a retained EU law dimension, having taught the undergraduate course in EU law at various colleges of the University of Cambridge over the last five years. Before coming to the Bar, Isabella also spent a year as a Research Assistant at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, where her work focused on the principal legislation which now governs the relationship between UK and EU law: the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
Isabella has broad public law experience, acting for claimants, defendants and interested parties. She was appointed to the Attorney General’s C Panel of Counsel in 2024.
Isabella recently acted for the Lord Chancellor in the Law Society’s challenge to the Government’s response to the Independent Review of Criminal Legal Aid (R (Law Society of England and Wales) v Lord Chancellor [2024 EWHC 155 (Admin)), led by Sir James Eadie KC, Catherine Dobson and Adam Boukraa. She acted for the respondent Trust (led by Vikram Sachdeva KC and Catherine Dobson) in a high-profile appeal concerning the relevance of a patient’s belief in their illness and prognosis to their capacity to consent to medical treatment (Thirulamesh v University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust [2024] EWCA Civ 896).
Before joining Landmark, Isabella spent nearly two years as the Judicial Assistant to the President of the Supreme Court, Lord Reed. She gained experience of a wide range of public law and human rights issues during that time, including in:
Isabella has a particular interest in public law claims with a retained EU law dimension, having taught the undergraduate course in EU law at various colleges of the University of Cambridge over the last six years. Before coming to the Bar, Isabella also spent a year as a Research Assistant at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, where her work focused on the principal legislation which now governs the relationship between UK and EU law: the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
Isabella has experience of both promoting and objecting to CPOs at inquiry. She acted for the promoters of the CPO for The Green, Southall (led by Zack Simons) and for objectors to the High Road West CPO in Tottenham (unled).
Isabella is currently acting for the Secretary of State in relation to high value compensation claims arising out of the acquisition of land to deliver the Birmingham Terminus of HS2 (led by Guy Williams KC and Nina Pindham).
Isabella is a star in the making. She possesses impeccable intellect and is a creative, strategic team player. Her written work is perfect."
24 12 2024
Landmark Chambers appears in 11 out of 12 of Planning’s 12 key rulings of 2024
27 11 2024
Housing appeal allowed in Hertfordshire Green Belt
Full Presentation
10 10 2024
100 Days of Labour: A Planning Law and Policy Perspective - full presentation
Hashi Mohamed, Russell Harris KC, Rupert Warren KC, and Isabella Buono
05 09 2024
290 homes allowed on appeal in Sittingbourne
07 08 2024
New appointments to the Attorney General’s Panel of Counsel
24 07 2024
Opportunities and challenges arising from the new government’s planning programme
Public and Administrative Law
29 06 2024
Planning Magazine’s Law Survey 2024 features 37 Landmark barristers
28 06 2024
Court of Appeal clarifies requirement for appropriate assessment in multi-stage consents
Academic scholarships and prizes
Appointed to the Attorney General's C Panel of Junior Counsel.
‘The Northern Ireland Protocol: Choppy Waters Lie Ahead’ (2022) 27(3) Judicial Review 271
‘Enforcing Tribunal Decisions: Where there’s bark there’s bite?’ (2021) 17(6) Freedom of Information 4
‘“All cards are on the table”: disclosure obligations and the Independent Review of Administrative Law’ (2021) 17(5) Freedom of Information 4
From the stroke of midnight: EU judgments on access to environmental information – still relevant in a post-Brexit UK?’ (2021) 17(4) Freedom of Information 4
‘‘Fine words butter no parsnips’ – how is open justice delivered?’ (2021) 17(3) Freedom of Information 4
‘What remains of the public/private divide? Mixed messages on the meaning of ‘public authority’’ (2020) 17(2) Freedom of Information 4
‘FOIA: the terminus of information rights?’ (2020) 17(1) Freedom of Information 4
Contributing author to P. Coppel, Information Rights: A Practitioner’s Guide to Data Protection, Freedom of Information and other Information Rights (5th ed, Hart, 2020) (five chapters dealing with exemptions to rights of access to information and data protection post-Brexit)
Atkin’s Court Forms, Volume 40(1), Trespass to the Person (LexisNexis, 2019)
‘Costs in Judicial Review Proceedings: Determining Success’ (2018) 23(3) Judicial Review 145
‘Mass Surveillance in the CJEU: Forging a European Consensus’ (2017) 76(2) Cambridge Law Journal 250 (co-authored with A. Taylor)
Planning, Legal 500, 2025
Planning Magazine 2024
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