21 06 2024
Landmark barristers successfully represent Friends of the River Wye in challenge to Welsh…
Matthew’s planning practice focuses on housing and infrastructure work (as well as CPO).
He has acted for a range of developers including national housebuilders such as Taylor Wimpey and land promoters like Catesby Estates as well as specialist and boutique developers like Optivo and Acorn Developments. He also has a busy practice working for local authorities and regularly appears in development management and enforcement appeals around the country. As panel counsel, he regularly acts for the DHLUHC, DEFRA and the Environment Agency.
Some of the schemes Matt is currently or has recently been instructed on (in relation to the planning application, planning appeal, CPO and/or legal challenge stages) include:
He also acts for local authorities in relation to their plans and has been instructed (with Matthew Reed KC) by London Borough of Enfield in respect of their emerging local plan.
As an environmental lawyer, Matthew acts frequently for government (DEFRA, EA, MMO) as well as NGOs and corporates. He is regularly instructed in relation to water matters (see his specialist Expertise page) including for water companies, harbour authorities and the EA.
He also works across broader countryside matters and continues to act for both landowners, regulators and representative bodies such as the British Association of Shooting and Conservation or Moorlands Association on matters of importance to landowners such as the management of peat, game birds, pest control and water abstraction.
He is experienced in public rights of way of village green litigation both in relation to appeals under the 1981 Act and disputes in the courts. He is also often instructed in relation to development related property and compensation work including CPO compensation claims and litigation and advice relating to s.106 agreements as well as overage and other forms of development contracts.
Matthew’s most significant cases and inquiries can be accessed by clicking the links to the right, for more detail of his practice in specific areas please also click the links under ‘Expertise’.
Matthew is a member of the UK Environmental Law Association and the Planning Bar Association.
Planning is Matthew’s principal area of practice and he represents all kinds of parties concerned with land use planning.
Matthew’s planning practice focuses on housing and infrastructure work (as well as CPO).
He has acted for a range of developers including national housebuilders such as Taylor Wimpey and land promoters like Catesby Estates as well as specialist and boutique developers like Optivo and Acorn Developments. He also has a busy practice working for local authorities and regularly appears in development management and enforcement appeals around the country. As panel counsel, he regularly acts for the DHLUHCdevelopers, local authorities and a range of other parties (including NGOs and statutory consultees).
Matthew assists the editors of the Planning Encyclopedia, for which he has provided contributions in relation to plans and plan-making, as well as plan-making, development control, enforcement, and infrastructure delivery.
He is also a contributor to Garner’s Environmental Law in relation to which he writes the chapter on Strategic Environmental Assessment) and is the editor of the Environment section of the Civil Court Practice 2019 (The Green Book). This reflects his particular interest in the environmental aspects of planning work in which respect he has worked on issues relating to EIA, SEA, land contamination, the Water Framework Directive and Habitats Directive.
See the tabs on the right for details of Matthew’s experience.
Matthew has a strong compulsory purchase practice and acts for acquiring authorities, promoters and objectors.
Notable work includes:
Matthew’s wider practice frequently involves issues of valuation (whether in the context of CPO, rates, leasehold enfranchisement, or commercial rent review).
Matthew has a broad highways, footpath and village green practice and acts for surveying authorities, landowners and third parties.
Notable recent work includes:
Matthew regularly acts and advises on commercial and retail issues including use class and permitted development issues as well as new schemes. He has particular expertise around distribution and data centre developments having acted and advised on a number of prominent schemes.
Notable recent work includes:
Matthew has a busy infrastructure practice. Notable recent work includes:
Matthew is frequently asked to advise on development contractual issues and overage. He has also advised on statutory agreements with utility providers under s.38 of the Highways Act 1980 and s.104 of the Water Industry Act 1991.
Matt frequently advises on all issues relating to section 106 contributions and CIL. This includes acting for local authorities in enforcement claims and advising developers and local authorities on CIL liability.
Matthew is regularly instructed in relation to the development of planning policy including appearing for developers and objectors at examinations in public.
He has also been involved in a number of challenges to plans and is currently instructed (with Matt Reed KC) on the promotion of the London Borough of Enfield’s new Local Plan.
Matt often advises and acts on energy matters. Recent highlights include:
Matthew is a specialist in heritage related matters. Notable highlights include:
In addition to his Planning Act 2008 work (listed under the DCO tab above) Matthew has also acted in relation to HS2 compensation and delivery questions, including advising contractors on the application of the Water Framework Directive.
He has recently acted for the Ministry of Justice on appeals seeking permission for:
He is also often instructed in relation to harbours, and water infrastructure issues. Including by harbour authorities and the MMO. See Environment tabs.
Matthew regularly act on minerals and waste matters. Recent highlights include:
As set out in other tabs, Matthew is a busy planning specialist and has acted on all kinds of appeals from written representation householder cases to inquiries of up to six weeks in length. He also acts for all kinds of participant including developers, local authorities, R6 objectors (national or local) and statutory consultees.
In addition to the enforcement matters discussed in the tab below, Matthew is regularly instructed in relation to planning prosecutions. These include not only prosecutions for breach of enforcement notice or planning contravention notice (for prosecuting authorities and defendants) but also other powers. Recent highlights include:
In addition to planning prosecution work, discussed on the relevant tab, Matthew regularly advises on enforcement and injunction cases. He also acts on enforcement appeals. Recent cases include:
Matthew has a busy high court practice. Recent notable cases include:
As a barrister with a busy residential practice (see further tab) Matthew is often instructed to advise on and act in relation to Green Belt cases. Notable highlights include:
Matthew has a broad highways, footpath and village green practice and acts for surveying authorities, landowners and third parties.
Matthew’s planning practice focuses on housing work.
He has acted for a range of developers including national housebuilders such as Taylor Wimpey and land promoters like Catesby Estates as well as specialist and boutique developers like Optivo and Acorn Developments. He also has a busy practice working for local authorities.
Some of the schemes Matt is currently or has recently been instructed on (in relation to the planning application, planning appeal, CPO and/or legal challenge stages) include:
Matthew is an environmental specialist and much of his practice turns on issues such as habitats, water and the countryside. He is the editor of the Environment section of the Civil Court Practice (The Green Book).
Notable recent work includes:
See the specialism tabs for further cases and information.
Matthew is very familiar with the Aarhus Convention and domestic costs rules. He regularly advises and acts on issues related to them.
Matthew has advised on air quality issues including national management, local AQMAs, and in relation to specific appeals including housing, energy from waste development, airports and road-schemes.
He also has substantial expertise in the cross-over between air quality and habitats issues – in particular ammonia and other sources of nitrogen deposition and acidification.
Matthew has worked extensively on carbon and sustainability issues in relation to development proposals including energy from waste and other energy infrastructure (including renewable schemes), housing, road and airport infrastructure.
Much of Matthew’s work concerns ecology and biodiversity work. In addition to dealing with planning issues like biodiversity net gain, or species licensing, he has been instructed by farmers, NGOs, water companies and the Environment Agency in relation to water and nutrient neutrality issues and was sole counsel for the Agency in the important case of Harris v Environment Agency [2022] EWHC 2264 (Admin).
Matt often advises and acts on energy matters. Recent highlights include:
Matthew is very experienced in advising on environmental assessment issues. Particularly in the field of planning including plan-making.
Matthew acts for the Environment Agency and operators on enforcement matters relating to permits, environmental damage and the control of operations in and around SSSIs.
Matthew is experienced in environmental information matters and acts and advises at all stages of EIR requests including before the ICO and on appeal to the FTT and UT.
Matthew regularly deals with permitting and wider environmental regulation issues including environmental damage enforcement. He acts for operators and interested parties (including NGOs) and has advised and acted in relation to IED regulated facilities in both England and Wales, including in relation to the application of BAT and derogation. He has also advised on intensive farming permits as well as those for water treatment plants and other facilities.
Matthew is a specialist in habitats law. In frequently advises on water and nutrient neutrality issues as well as other matters. He acts for all stakeholders. Recent examples include:
Matthew advises on nuisance matters including statutory and common law claims. Issues dealt with previously include noise, smell and water ingress.
Matt regularly advises on issues around pollution control and contaminated land. His advice has included issues under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 including in relation to liability and apportionment for the clean-up of sites.
Much of Matthew’s work concerns countryside protection. He is an author of chambers’ book on AONBs and National Parks and, in addition to his planning work, he frequently advises and acts on access to the countryside matters (see tab under Property Work).
Matthew is familiar with utilities work as part of his wider infrastructure practice. Recent experience includes dealing with permits for marine works for power cables to offshore development and hyperscale data centres.
Matt has significant expertise in waste planning matters. He acts for developers including on EfW proposals such as the Westbury EfW (permitted 2023 on appeal) as well as WPAs. He also advises the Environment Agency in relation to waste control and permitting matters.
Matthew has a particular expertise in water law and regularly advises and acts for the Environment Agency, water companies, harbour authorities, the MMO and internal drainage boards, as well as farmers, landowners and NGOs.
Recent and ongoing work includes:
Matthew has specific expertise in the protection of wildlife, the regulation of countryside sports and the control of pest species. He has advised environmental charities as well farmers, wild birding groups and representative bodies like the Countryside Alliance, National Gamekeepers Organisation, Moorlands Association and British Association of Shooting and Conservation in relation to gamebird regulation and controls.
He acted (led by David Elvin KC) for BASC and others in Wild Justice v Natural Resources Wales [2021] Env. L.R. 24 a challenge to decision of NRW to grant a general licence for the control of specified species of pest birds.
Matthew’s property work relates closely to his planning and environmental practice and includes:
He also has experience of general property litigation in the county courts and tribunals.
Matthew regularly advises in relation to restrictive covenants where they impact on development rights, including in relation to applications under s.84 of the Law of Property Act 1925.
Matthew has been involved in a wide range of cases involving watercourses and harbours, including Bernel v Canal and River Trust ; R. (on the application of Bembridge Harbour Trust) v Bembridge Harbour Improvement Co Ltd [2023] EWHC 1185 (Admin) and R. (on the application of Bembridge Harbour Trust) v Isle of Wight Council [2021] EWHC 2605 (Admin) (see further Water tab under Environment section). He regularly advises Harbour Authorities in relation to their powers under the general permitted development order and other local government issues faced.
Matthew regularly advises on and acts in relation to village green and common law matters. He has appeared for landowners and applicants at village green inquiries and applications to designate assets of community value.
Matthew has wide experience in public law where it concerns land use and the environment and accepts instructions across a wide range of areas. He also frequently acts and advises on wider local government issues and is familiar with European Law questions as well as the operation of the Human Rights Act and Convention.
He is on the Government’s C Panel of Counsel and regularly acts for DHLUCH, DEFRA, the Environment Agency and Marine Management Organisation.
In addition to the specialism tabs listed here, please see his specialisms in Planning and Environment.
Matthew has a busy highways and public rights of way practice and, in addition to his advisory work, frequently appears for land owning objectors as well as local interest groups at inquiries under the Wildlife and Countryside 1981 Act. He also has wide experience in the exercise of highways powers including stopping up orders, works agreements, new street orders and disputes around adoption and ransom.
On PROWs, he has appeared in the High Court and at a number of DMMO inquiries.
In addition to his public rights work, Matt regularly advises and acts on private rights of way issues and in relation to restrictive covenants.
Landmark's barristers often work at the intersection of our core practice areas; bringing a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience to bear on a particular dispute or issue facing a client.
Our focus is always on achieving the best possible outcome for our client. By viewing the client's objectives in a holistic way - and not purely through the lens of one rigidly-defined legal area - we deliver the best possible advice and representation in complex matters that engage multiple specialist areas of law.
Whether it's providing support as an individual cross-practice barrister or a cross-disciplinary team of Landmark counsel, we are able to draw on an outstanding array of complementary skillsets and knowledge bases. This often achieves a better result than instructing multiple barristers from different specialist sets. This also improves the quality of client care through increased levels of communication, quicker response times, and a coordinated approach to clerking and fees, made possible by our team-based cross-practice approach.
Please contact our practice management team for more information.
Compulsory Purchase and Compensation
Highways, Footpaths and Rights of Way
Development Consent Orders
Development Contracts and Overage
Development Contribution: Section 106 and CIL
Development Plans and other planning policy
Highways, Footpaths and Rights of Way
Minerals and Waste
Planning Appeals, Inquiries and Hearings
Planning Crime
Planning Enforcement and Injunctions
Planning Judicial and Statutory Reviews
Green Belt
Neighbourhood Planning
Aarhus Convention and Environmental Justice
Air Quality
Climate Change and Emissions Trading
Ecology and Biodiversity
Environmental Assessment (Environmental Outcomes)
Environmental Enforcement
Environmental information
Environmental Regulation
Habitats and Species
Pollution and Contaminated Land
Protection of the Countryside
Restrictive Covenants
Riparian Rights, Watercourses and Harbours
Village Greens, Commons and Manorial Rights
Highways and Public Rights of Access
Highways and Rights of Access
Local Government
Matthew exhibits excellent attention to detail and picks up matters quickly. His advocacy skills are excellent, very clear, and precise."
21 06 2024
Landmark barristers successfully represent Friends of the River Wye in challenge to Welsh…
07 03 2024
Secretary of State Grants Development Consent Order for the A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project
30 01 2024
Permission granted for new Buckinghamshire Prison
26 09 2023
Inquiry opens into the proposed Wisley New Settlement
20 07 2023
High Court dismisses challenge to on-shore gas exploration project
07 07 2023
Landmark Chambers wins two awards at the ERMAs
02 06 2023
Completion of the Public Examination into the Development Consent Order for the A66 Northern…
21 04 2023
Southall CPO confirmed
Appointed to the Attorney General’s C Panel of Junior Counsel
Planning, Legal 500, 2025
Environment, Legal 500, 2024
Planning, Legal 500, 2024
Environment, Legal 500, 2023
Planning, Legal 500, 2023
Contact our friendly and helpful Practice Managers for more information about our barristers and services or to make an enquiry.