Siân McGibbon

Call: 2017

“Siân is very sharp. She is excellent at using public law principles to craft a winning strategy in difficult cases” (Legal 500, 2023).

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Practice summary

Public and Administrative




Practice Summary

Siân is a specialist public law barrister with a busy practice spanning all aspects of administrative, human rights, and local government law, as well as related areas of planning, and environmental law.

Siân’s specialist public law practice spans all aspects of administrative and human rights, as well as related areas of planning, environmental, and international law. She has been consistently ranked as a ‘rising star’ in Legal 500 and as an ‘up and coming’ junior in Chambers and Partners; directory testimonials recognise her as “an amazing junior” who is “excellent at using public law principles to craft a winning strategy in difficult cases”, “very creative”, and “always prepared to push a point”.

Siân is direct access qualified and accepts instructions on this basis in appropriate cases across all her practice areas.

Before coming to the Bar, Siân studied law at Oxford University and was judicial assistant to Lord Hamblen. Beyond her practice, she maintains a strong academic interest in public law. She is assistant editor of the Judicial Review journal, and is also a graduate lecturer in constitutional, administrative, and European Union law. She is currently completing a PhD at University College London, where her doctoral research supervised by Professor Richard Rawlings and Dr Michael Veale completements her specialism in practice, in particular her growing experience at the intersection of public law and information law.

Public and Administrative

Siân has extensive experience of acting in matters before in the Administrative Court, Court of Appeal, Privy Council, and European Court of Human Rights, both as sole counsel and as part of a team. She acts across a full spectrum of public law cases, from homelessness and social care, to education and healthcare, to regulatory matters, to commercial procurement cases. Directory testimonials recognise her as “excellent at using public law principles to craft a winning strategy in difficult cases” and has been involved in a number of landmark decisions raising novel public law issues.

Judicial Review

Notable reported judicial review cases include:

  • R (RWU) v. A Governing Body [2024] EWHC 2828 (Admin) – Siân acts for the respondent public body, led by Leon Glenister, in the appeal to the Court of Appeal concerning the application of Article 4 ECHR in the context of school exclusions.
  • R (KT) v. Office of the Independent Adjudicator [2024] EWHC 2003 (Admin) – Siân represented the OIA in resisting this application for judicial review of the decision to amend ‘proposed’ recommendations in a complaint which had been partially upheld, in response to further information from the University indicated that the claimant was subject to bail conditions which prevented contact with members of staff.
  • Farnham Town Council v. Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities [2024] EWHC 2458 (Admin) – Siân acted for the Town Council, led by David Blundell KC, in this application for statutory review relating to the decision to grant permission for development of land under consideration by Natural England as a ‘candidate site’ for inclusion in the Surrey Hill AONB.
  • R (Campbell) v. Ealing London Borough Council [2024] EWCA Civ 540 – Siân continues to act for the appellant in this judicial review concerning the statutory construction of section 23 Care Act 2014, alongside Galina Ward KC and Jamie Burton KC.
  • R (Webb) v. London Borough of Bromley [2023] EWHC 2091 (Admin) - Siân acted for the London Borough of Bromley, initially as sole counsel (in successfully resisting permission on five of six grounds at the oral renewal hearing) and subsequently led by Richard Drabble KC and Paul Brown KC in successfully defending the substantive claim.
  • Zaman v. Waltham Forest London Borough Council [2023] EWCA Civ 322 – Siân acted for the successful appellant in this statutory appeal, as sole counsel before the county court and in the application for permission to bring a second appeal, led by Jamie Burton KC in the final hearing before the Court of Appeal. The case concerned the obligations of local authorities when placing homeless families with children outside their own area.
  • Peters v. Permanent Secretary [2023] UKPC 23 - Siân acted for the appellant in this appeal to the Privy Council arising from a judicial review of secondary legislation which restricted access to disability assistance in Trinidad and Tobago to those with a ‘permanent’ disability.
  • R (Campbell) v. Ealing London Borough Council [2023] EWHC 10 (Admin) - Siân acted for the claimant in this judicial review of the defendant’s breach of duty under Care Act 2014. She acted in the successful application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal.
  • Rowe v. Haringey London Borough Council [2022] EWCA Civ 1370 – Siân acted for the appellant in this statutory appeal, as sole counsel in the first appeal to the county court and application for permission to bring a second appeal, led by Justin Bates and Toby Vanhegan in the final hearing before the Court of Appeal and application to the Supreme Court. The case raises issues of wider significance as to the standards of overcrowding to be applied where homeless families with children are placed in shared accommodation.
  • R (Cort) v. Lambeth London Borough Council [2022] EWHC 1085 (Admin) - Siân acted for the successful claimant in this application for judicial review of the defendant’s refusal to provide accommodation under the national ‘Everyone In’ initiative during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • R (ZLL) v. Secretary of State for Housing, Communities, and Local Government [2022] EWHC 85 (Admin) - Siân was junior counsel for the claimant, led by Jamie Burton KC, in this application for judicial review of the MHCLG’s decision to withdraw the ‘Everyone In’ policy adopted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and in the successful application to Fordham J for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. She continued to act in the substantive appeal to the Court of Appeal ([2022] EWCA Civ 1059).
  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants v. Awodola [2021] EWCA Civ 1635 – Siân appeared unled for the successful respondent in an appeal to the Court of Appeal concerning the interpretation of byelaws adopted by the ACCA disciplinary committee.
  • R (Good Law Project) v. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2021] EWHC 346 - Siân was junior counsel for the Secretary of State in this high profile Covid-19 procurement policy challenge, led by Philip Moser KC and Ewan West KC. She again acted for the government in the consequential dispute over the appropriate form of relief ([2021] EWHC 505 (Admin)).
  • Stanley v. Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council [2020] EWCA Civ 1458 – Siân acted for the appellant before both the county court and Court of Appeal in this statutory review concerning the status of local authority review decisions notified after the expiry of the statutory time limit under s. 202 Housing Act 1996.
  • R (Awodola) v. Association of Chartered Accountants [2020] EWHC 3059 - Siân acted unled for the claimant in this successful application for judicial review of the decision by ACCA to deprive the claimant of an oral hearing in the course of disciplinary proceedings against him, and in the subsequent successful application for litigant in person and pro bono costs orders ([2020] EWHC 3369).

Siân has a strong track record in handling complex and sensitive cases. Recent illustrations include R (ZOS) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2022] EWHC 3567 (Admin), [2023] A.C.D. 54, in which Siân acted for the claimant in this successful application for judicial review of the defendant’s breach of statutory duties, and in a series of five subsequent hearings before the High Court following the defendant’s breach of the mandatory order secured in the underlying proceedings, which necessitated active case management by the court over the course of several months and ultimately an application by the claimant to hold the Secretary of State in contempt of court. She has been praised in judgments as “helpful and constructive” in dealing with sensitive issues such as contested litigation capacity and vulnerable litigants in person (R (BL) v. Islington London Borough Council [2021] EWHC 3044 (Admin), [2022] A.C.D. 14).

Urgent and Interim Relief

Siân is highly experienced in dealing with urgent matters and applications for interim relief or other interlocutory orders, including in cases which raise novel issues and wider points of principle. Recent illustrations include:

  • R (AC) v. Haringey (Deputy High Court Judge UTJ Elizabeth Cook, 18 December 2024) – Siân acted in a successful application for anonymity interim relief, and permission in an urgent claim for judicial review against the London Borough of Haringey.
  • R (AH) v. Medway County Council (Deputy High Court Judge Jonathan Moffett KC, 18 June 2024) – Siân acted for the successful claimant in a renewed application for interim relief, securing an order that the local authority provide support under Children Act 1989 pending the final outcome of the case.
  • Farnham Town Council v. Secretary of State for Levelling Up (Deputy High Court Judge Timothy Corner KC, 28 June 2024) – Siân acted for the claimant Town Council in securing a contested order for cost protection under the Aarhus Convention.
  • R (OLO, AMA, and OCO) v. Redbridge (Griffiths J, 16 February 2022) – Siân acted for the claimants in this judicial review challenging the defendant’s breach of section 17 Children Act 1989, which secured an increase of almost 100% in support provided to the family on both an interim and final basis.
  • R (NA) v. Hammersmith & Fulham (Deputy High Court Judge Peter Marquand, 13 July 2021) – Siân acted in this application for anonymity and urgent interim relief on the basis that there was ‘reason to believe’ the applicant may be in priority need pursuant to the (then newly implemented) s.78 Domestic Abuse Act 2021. The claimant secured interim accommodation and an order that the defendant pay her costs.
  • R (PG) v. Hammersmith & Fulham (Deputy High Court Judge HHJ Lickley KC, 17 December 2021) – Siân acted for the Claimant to successfully obtain interim relief both on the papers and at an oral hearing, in the context of the spread of the OMICRON variant of Covid-19 on the grounds that the local authority had failed to take into account a material relevant consideration.

Pro Bono

Siân accepts instructions on a pro bono basis in appropriate cases, including via Advocate (formerly the Bar Pro Bono Unit). Pro bono highlights include Association of Chartered Certified Accountants v. Awodola [2021] EWCA Civ 1635, in which Siân appeared unled in the Court of Appeal for the respondent, and secured a pro bono costs order of £25,000.00 for the Access to Justice Foundation. She had also acted in the successful application for judicial review before Foster J ([2020] EWHC 3059 and [2020] EWHC 3369). In addition to her personal pro bono work, Siân is a member of the legal panel of Law for Change.


Siân has broad experience across the full spectrum of education law and regularly represents both parents and students as well as a number of different local authorities, schools, universities, and public bodies operating in the education sector. She has a particular interest in cases at the intersection of education law and administrative law, and frequently acts in claims for judicial review in this area involving the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education and the Department for Education. Recent significant cases in this area include R (KT) v. Office of the Independent Adjudicator [2024] EWHC 2003 (Admin), in which the High Court addressed the requirements of procedural fairness in the context of the OIA’s statutory Ombudsman scheme. She also acts for the respondent school before the Court of Appeal in R (RWU) v. A Governing Body [2024] EWHC 2828 (Admin), a significant appeal concerning the application of Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of school exclusions.

EU Law post-Brexit

Siân regularly acts in and advises on cases concerning the legal and constitutional issues arising from the Withdrawal Agreement Act 2018, as well as the technical implications for specific areas of law within her expertise (in particular environmental law, social security, healthcare, and state aid / subsidy control). Siân’s recent advisory instructions have ranged from central and local government (most recently Home Office and the Department of Health and Social Care), companies, individuals, and charitable organisations. Notable court work includes acting for the successful appellant the case of Hynek v. London Borough of Islington (HHJ Backhouse, 12 July 2022, the first statutory appeal of its kind concerning the post-Brexit rights of EU citizens with pre-settled status to homelessness assistance); Mihalache v. Cambridgeshire County Council (7 March 2023, concerning the post-Brexit status of the European Charter in local authority decision-making vis-à-vis EU citizens with pre-settled status); and SB v. SSHD (15 November 2024, two linked appeals concerning the application of Article 20(1) of the Withdrawal agreement and the judgment in Vargova [2024] UKUT 336 (IAC) to EU nationals who have committed serious offences after the end of the transition period).

Before joining the Bar in 2018 she was involved in the work of the Law Commission on exiting the European Union, and she has recently been appointed as graduate lecturer in EU law and in retained EU law post-Brexit at University College London. Siân is sought after to provide training and published commentary on current issues in this area of law, such as her guide to social security law for immigration lawyers, co-authored with Alex Goodman KC and published by the Legal Action Group.

Housing and homelessness

Siân is a specialist in homelessness law and since joining the Bar has been involved in some of the leading cases in this area. She frequently acts statutory appeals and claims for judicial review under Part VII Housing Act 1996, and in homelessness cases engaging issues under Care Act 2014, Children Act 1989, Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, related areas of European Union law post-Brexit. She has been involved in some of the leading cases concerning provision of accommodation outside of this statutory framework, most notably during the Covid-19 pandemic (including Cort v. Lambeth [2022] EWHC 1085 (Admin) and R (ZLL) v. Secretary of State for Housing, Communities, and Local Government [2022] EWHC 85 (Admin)). She has particular interest in the intersection of homelessness law with human rights law. Notable cases in this area include acting for the claimant in Sharaky v. Clearspring Ready Homes [2022] EWHC 2019 (QB), a landmark judgment on human rights issues relating to private contractors providing accommodation to unaccompanied minor asylum seekers.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties

Much of Siân’s work across her public law practice has a human rights dimension. Recent notable cases in this area include:

  • R (on the application of RWU) v. A Governing Body (Black Equity Organisation Intervening) [2024] EWHC 2828 (Admin) – Siân acts for the respondent school in this appeal to the Court of Appeal concerning the application of Article 4 ECHR in the context of school exclusion decisions.
  • AKM v. St Albans (25 November 2024, HHJ Murch) – Siân acted for the successful appellant in this statutory challenge concerning the application of the ‘vulnerability’ and ‘priority need’ tests to unaccompanied minor asylum seekers.
  • Stewart v. Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (24 February 2023, TJ Jones) - Siân acted for the appellant in this challenge to social security secondary legislation on the ground of breach of Article 14 ECHR and s. 149 Equality Act 2010. Permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal has now been granted recognising the wider significance of the issue.
  • R (ZLL) v. Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities [2022] EWCA Civ 1059 - Siân was junior counsel for the claimant, led by Jamie Burton KC, in this application for judicial review of the MHCLG’s decision to withdraw the ‘Everyone In’ policy adopted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and in the successful application to Fordham J for permission to appeal. She went on to act in the appeal to the Court of Appeal which raised questions of wider importance on the determination of academic appeals and relief in judicial review proceedings.
  • Sharaky v. Clearspring Ready Homes [2022] EWHC 2019 (QB) - Siân acted for the claimant, initially as sole counsel in the successful application for interim relief and subsequently as led counsel in the three-day High Court trial. She remains instructed in the subsequent ongoing application to the European Court of Human Rights, led by Toby Vanhegan.
  • R (Cort) v. London Borough of Lambeth [2022] EWHC 1085 (Admin) - Siân acted for the successful claimant in this successful application for judicial review of the defendant’s refusal to provide the claimant with accommodation under the national ‘Everyone In’ initiative during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Siân has also acted in a number of significant human rights and civil liberties appeals before the Privy Council, notably:

  • Peters v. Permanent Secretary [2023] UKPC 23 - Siân was instructed as junior counsel in this Privy Council appeal against a decision to dismiss an application for judicial review of secondary legislation which restricted access to disability assistance to those with a ‘permanent’ disability.
  • Duncan & Jokhan v. Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2021] UKPC 17 - Siân acted for the successful appellants in this constitutional appeal against the Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago, led by Anand Beharrylal KC.
  • Betaudier v. Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2021] UKPC 7 - Siân acted for the successful appellant in this appeal claim for damages for unlawful arrest and detention, led by Anand Beharrylal KC.

Local Government including Local Government Finance

Siân regularly acts both for and against local authorities in a range of matters, often in complex matters in which multiple statutory duties (including under Care Act 2014, Children Act 1989, and Housing Act 1996, amongst others) are engaged. She has spent time seconded in house at a major local authority so has insight into the practical pressures and issues which face local government and the solicitors who act for them.

Siân has been involved in a number of significant cases concerning local authority powers and duties:

  • Zaman v. Waltham Forest [2023] EWCA Civ 322 – Siân was instructed as sole counsel for the appellant in the first appeal and in the successful application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. She was led by Jamie Burton KC in the successful substantive appeal to the Court of Appeal. The case raised issues of wider importance regarding the adoption of ‘zoning’ policies by local authorities when moving families outside of their local area.
  • Rowe v. London Borough of Haringey [2022] EWCA Civ 1370 – Siân acted as sole counsel for the appellant in the first appeal, and in the successful application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. She remained instructed as junior counsel alongside Toby Vanhegan and Justin Bates in the substantive proceedings before the Court of Appeal and application for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. The case raises issues of wider significance as to the standards of overcrowding to be applied to houses in multiple occupation.
  • Stanley v. Welwyn Hatfield [2020] EWCA Civ 1458 – Siân appeared as led counsel for the appellant in this significant case. The Court of Appeal clarified the status of statutory review decisions notified out of time by the local authority, and the proper route for bringing a statutory appeal against such a decision.

NHS, Health and Community Care

Siân accepts instructions across all aspects of health and social care law. She has experience acting for institutional clients including the British Medical Association and the Department for Health and Social Care, and also regularly represents claimants in challenging decisions made by public bodies in this area. She has a particular interest in cases engage intersecting issues under human rights law, asylum and immigration law, and relevant areas of European Union law post-Brexit. Recent notable cases include R (Campbell) v. London Borough of Ealing [2024] EWCA Civ 540, in which the Court of Appeal addressed the construction of s. 23 Care Act 2014. Siân continues to act for the Claimant in the pending application for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court, alongside Galina Ward KC and Jamie Burton KC.

Siân is frequently sought after to provide training and published commentary on current issues in this area of law, such as her forthcoming guide to navigating adult social care assessments, co-authored with Steve Broach KC and published by the legal advice charity CASCAIDr. She is a contributing author of the forthcoming edition of ‘NHS Law and Practice’ published by the Legal Action Group.

Procurement & Commercial Public Law

Since completing pupillage Siân has developed a specialism in procurement which complements her public law practice. She was instructed by the Government Legal Department commercial team in various COVID-19 procurement claims, and was junior counsel in the landmark procurement policy judicial review R (Good Law Project) v. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2021] EWHC 505 (Admin) alongside leading counsel from Monckton Chambers (Philip Moser KC, Ewan West KC). She also has experience acting as sole counsel, both in advising various organisations on procurement and subsidy control matters, and successfully defending decisions by public bodies in court. In recent months Siân has been instructed to advise on forthcoming changes to the procurement regime, and has been involved in providing training to solicitors working in this area.

Siân is a member of the Lexis PSL expert panel on procurement law and her analysis of the latest cases in this area are regularly published in their commercial and public law highlights.

Statutory Appeals

Siân has extensive experience of acting in statutory appeals across a range of areas. Her recent work includes:

  • Hynek v. Islington (HHJ Backhouse, 12 July 2022) – Siân appeared for the successful appellant in this statutory appeal which raised novel arguments as to the rights of EU citizens with pre-settled status who claim to have ‘retained worker status’ following the end of the transition period.
  • OH v. Lambeth (Stephen Midwinter KC, 26 November 2021) – Siân acted for the successful appellant in this statutory appeal pursuant to s. 204 Housing Act 1996. The case raised a novel point of law as to the relevant point in time to be considered by a local authority when determining whether an applicant has a resident dependent child for the purposes of assessing priority need.
  • RO v. Bexley (HHJ Venn, 9 July 2021) – Siân acted for the successful respondent in a rare application pursuant to CPR 52.18. The appeal was struck out and the authority was awarded its costs of the proceedings.

Caribbean Law

Siân also has extensive experience of appearing before the Privy Council in constitutional and public law cases from Caribbean jurisdictions. Recent work in this area includes:

  • Peters v. Permanent Secretary [2023] UKPC 23 – Siân was instructed as junior counsel in this Privy Council appeal against a decision to dismiss an application for judicial review of secondary legislation which restricted access to disability assistance to those with a ‘permanent’ disability.
  • Duncan & Jokhan v. Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2021] UKPC 17 – Siân acted for the successful appellants in this constitutional appeal against the Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago, led by Anand Beharrylal KC.
  • Betaudier v. Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2021] UKPC 7 – Siân acted for the successful appellant in this appeal claim for damages for unlawful arrest and detention, led by Anand Beharrylal KC.


Siân has a varied practice spanning all areas of planning, infrastructure, and environmental law. She has experience of acting for planning authorities, land owners, developers, and individuals from advisory stages through to final hearings and appeals. She has a particular interest and specialism in cases which raise issues at the intersection of planning, public, and environmental law.

Recent reported cases and court highlights include:

  • R (Webb) v. Bromley London Borough Council [2023] EWHC 2091 – Siân acted for the local authority in successfully defending this application for judicial review, as sole counsel at the permission stage and subsequently led by Richard Drabble KC and Paul Brown KC at the substantive hearing of this judicial review. The case raises issues of wider importance regarding declaration of interests by voting members of local authority planning committees.
  • Thurrock London Borough Council v. Persons Unknown (QB-2019-02738, awaiting final judgment): Siân was instructed as junior counsel for the local authority (led by Tim Straker KC) in this application for injunctive relief pursuant to section 187B Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The case will return for final determination following judgment by the Supreme Court in Wolverhampton City Council v. London Gypsies and Travellers (2022/0046).
  • Silochan v. Cedeno (Town and Country Planning Division) [2023] UKPC 5: Siân appeared before the Privy Council as junior counsel for the successful appellants in this significant appeal which raised questions of general importance regarding the proper approach to construction, prosecution, and sentencing of planning offences.

Recent advisory work includes:

  • Advising a developer in relation to the sequencing of works and implications of the judgment of the Supreme Court in Hillside Parks Ltd v. Snowdonia National Park Authority [2022] UKSC 30 for proposals involving overlapping planning permissions.
  • Advising a local campaign group in relation to grounds for judicial review of a decision by the Environment Agency to grant an environmental permit for a major incineration operation.
  • Advising a local authority in relation to an appeal against a decision to issue a certificate of lawful commencement of development at a site in north London which attracted significant local controversy.

Siân is on the Lexis Expert Panel for planning and environmental law. She is a member of both the Planning and Environmental Bar Association (PEBA) and UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA).

High Court Planning

Siân’s practice is focussed on the intersection between public and planning law, and as such she has a particular expertise in High Court planning challenges. She is sought by both claimants and defendants in planning judicial review and statutory review (under section 288 Town and Country Planning Act 1990) whether as sole counsel or part of a team. Her work is diverse and she is sought after by clients ranging from national charities, to local campaign groups, to private companies and developers, to public bodies. Much of her work has a regulatory dimension, with a particular depth of experience in matters relating to air quality, water, and protected / endangers species. She is also instructed in environmental matters in other jurisdictions before the Privy Council. Recent reported cases and court highlights in this area include:

  • R (Woodland Trust) v. Monmouthshire County Council (HHJ Keyser KC, 17 December 2024) – Siân acted for the Woodland Trust in this successful application for judicial review of a decision by the local planning authority to grant permission for a significant poultry farm operation impacting protected areas of ancient forest.
  • Farnham Town Council v. (1) Secretary of State for Housing and Communities (2) Wates Developments Ltd [2024] EWHC 2458 (Admin)Siân acted for the town council in this application for statutory review of the decision by the Secretary of State to grant planning permission for development at a site which had candidate status for inclusion in the Surrey Hills AONB following the ongoing boundary review by Natural England. Siân was instructed as sole counsel in the application for permission and the (contested) application for Aarhus costs protection, led by David Blundell KC at the final substantive hearing.
  • R (Pinner Road & the Garden Community Group Ltd) v. (1) London Borough of Harrow (2) MML Investments Ltd (CO/1872/2024) – Siân acts for the claimant in this application for judicial review in relation to Natural England and DEFRA guidance on protected species.
  • R (Webb) v. (1) Bromley London Borough Council (2) Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EWHC 2091 – Siân acted for the local authority in successfully defending this application for judicial review, as sole counsel at the permission stage and subsequently led by Richard Drabble KC and Paul Brown KC at the substantive hearing of this judicial review. The case raises issues of wider importance regarding declaration of interests by voting members of local authority planning committees.
  • R (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) v. (1) Broxtowe Borough Council (2) Taylor Reed Homes Ltd (CO/1188/2023) – Siân was instructed for the local authority in responding to this application for judicial review against the grant of listed building consent for works to restore the Willoughby Almshouses.

Siân is on the Lexis Expert Panel for planning and environmental law. She is an active member of the Planning and Environmental Bar Association (PEBA), UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA), and the Environmental Law Foundation (ELF).


Siân has a varied practice spanning all areas of planning, infrastructure, and environmental law. She has experience of acting for planning authorities, land owners, developers, and individuals from advisory stages through to final hearings and appeals. She has a particular interest and specialism in cases which raise issues at the intersection of planning, public, and environmental law.

Recent reported cases and court highlights include:

  • R (Webb) v. Bromley London Borough Council [2023] EWHC 2091 – Siân acted for the local authority in successfully defending this application for judicial review, as sole counsel at the permission stage and subsequently led by Richard Drabble KC and Paul Brown KC at the substantive hearing of this judicial review. The case raises issues of wider importance regarding declaration of interests by voting members of local authority planning committees.
  • Thurrock London Borough Council v. Persons Unknown (QB-2019-02738, awaiting final judgment): Siân was instructed as junior counsel for the local authority (led by Tim Straker KC) in this application for injunctive relief pursuant to section 187B Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The case will return for final determination following judgment by the Supreme Court in Wolverhampton City Council v. London Gypsies and Travellers (2022/0046).
  • Silochan v. Cedeno (Town and Country Planning Division) [2023] UKPC 5: Siân appeared before the Privy Council as junior counsel for the successful appellants in this significant appeal which raised questions of general importance regarding the proper approach to construction, prosecution, and sentencing of planning offences.

Recent advisory work includes:

  • Advising a developer in relation to the sequencing of works and implications of the judgment of the Supreme Court in Hillside Parks Ltd v. Snowdonia National Park Authority [2022] UKSC 30 for proposals involving overlapping planning permissions.
  • Advising a local campaign group in relation to grounds for judicial review of a decision by the Environment Agency to grant an environmental permit for a major incineration operation.
  • Advising a local authority in relation to an appeal against a decision to issue a certificate of lawful commencement of development at a site in north London which attracted significant local controversy.

Siân is on the Lexis Expert Panel for planning and environmental law. She is a member of both the Planning and Environmental Bar Association (PEBA) and UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA).


Landmark's barristers often work at the intersection of our core practice areas; bringing a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience to bear on a particular dispute or issue facing a client.

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Whether it's providing support as an individual cross-practice barrister or a cross-disciplinary team of Landmark counsel, we are able to draw on an outstanding array of complementary skillsets and knowledge bases. This often achieves a better result than instructing multiple barristers from different specialist sets. This also improves the quality of client care through increased levels of communication, quicker response times, and a coordinated approach to clerking and fees, made possible by our team-based cross-practice approach.

Please contact our practice management team for more information.

Local Government

Siân regularly acts both for and against local authorities in a range of matters, often in complex matters in which multiple statutory duties (including under Care Act 2014, Children Act 1989, and Housing Act 1996, amongst others) are engaged. She has spent time seconded in house at a major local authority so has insight into the practical pressures and issues which face local government and the solicitors who act for them.

Siân has been involved in a number of significant cases concerning local authority powers and duties:

  • Stanley v Welwyn Hatfield [2020] EWCA Civ 1458 – Siân appeared as led counsel for the appellant in this significant case. The Court of Appeal clarified the status of statutory review decisions notified out of time by the local authority, and the proper route for bringing a statutory appeal against such a decision.
  • Rowe v London Borough of Haringey [2022] EWCA Civ 1370 – Siân acted as sole counsel for the appellant in the first appeal, and in the successful application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. She remained instructed as junior counsel alongside Toby Vanhegan and Justin Bates in the substantive proceedings before the Court of Appeal and she continues to act in the pending application for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. The case raises issues of wider significance as to the standards of overcrowding to be applied to houses in multiple occupation.
  • Zaman v Waltham Forest (HHJ Gerald, 21 July 2022) – Siân was instructed as sole counsel for the appellant in the first appeal and in the successful application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. The case raises issues of wider importance regarding the adoption of ‘zoning’ policies by local authorities when moving families outside of their local area.

Public Interest Litigation



EU Law post-Brexit

Housing and homelessness

Human Rights and Civil Liberties

Local Government including Local Government Finance

NHS, Health and Community Care

Procurement & Commercial Public Law

Statutory Appeals

Caribbean Law


High Court Planning


Green Belt


Planning Judicial and Statutory Reviews


Aarhus Convention and Environmental Justice

Ecology and Biodiversity


Environmental information

Habitats and Species

Protection of the Countryside





Local Government

Public Interest Litigation

An amazing junior; she is clearly destined for greatness"

Legal 500

Firm Logo 3 UK Rising star bar 2025

Qualifications and achievements


  • Administrative Law Bar Association 
  • United Kingdom Constitutional Law Association 
  • International Society of Public Law 
  • Procurement Lawyers Association (PLA)
  • Planning and Environmental Bar Association
  • United Kingdom Environmental Law Association
  • Environmental Law Foundation (ELF)
  • Centre for Democratic Constitutionalism

Scholarships and Awards

  • UCL Laws Postgraduate Research Scholarship (University College London, 2023, 2024) Awarded for academic excellence and research potential
  • Postgraduate Excellence Scholarship (King’s College London, 2022) Awarded for ranking first in class in postgraduate study
  • Michael Beloff Essay Prize for Public Law (Gray’s Inn, 2017)
  • Sir Dingle Foot BPTC Scholarship (Gray’s Inn, 2015)
  • Alan Urbach Memorial Prize (University College Oxford, 2015) Awarded for ranking first in class for Jurisprudence final honours exams
  • Loughman Scholarship (University College Oxford, 2015) Awarded for outstanding academic performance
  • Scholarships for academic excellence first-class performance in public exams (Oxford University, 2013, 2014, 2015)
  • Hogan Lovells Prize (University College Oxford, 2013) Awarded for ranking first in class in Law Moderation Exams 



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