Date and time
Monday 13 May 2019 | 17:00 - 18:45
Free to attend for local authorities
James Maurici QC and Jacqueline Lean are the authors of the chapters on the Environmental Information Regulations in Coppel Information Rights (forthcoming).
17:00 Welcome by Chair - James Maurici QC
17:05 Update on the scope of public authorities under the EIR - Jacqueline Lean
17:25 EIR case-law update Richard Turney
17:45 Using the EIR in environmental judicial review proceedings - James Maurici QC
18:05 What are Rights of Access to Environmental Information for? Reflecting on the Concepts of “Information” and “Access” - Professor Eloise Scotford guest speaker from UCL
18:25 Questions
18:45 Drinks