Planning High Court Challenges Annual Conference held at The Library of Birmingham

Past event

Monday 04 November 2019

The Library of Birmingham Centenary Square Broad Street Birmingham, B1 2ND


Date and time

Tuesday 05 November 2019 - 9:45 | Monday 04 November 2019 - 13:30


£40 + VAT Complimentary places for local authorities.




9:30 Registration 9:45 Introduction by Chair John Litton QC 9:50 Material considerations following Wright in the Supreme Court Zack Simons 10:20 Judging housing supply: the latest case law on housing supply Tim Buley QC 10:50 Development Plan challenges update Alex Shattock 11:20 Refreshments 11:40 Air quality as a ground of challenge in planning cases: Shirley, Hillingdon Andrew Byass 12:10 Practice and procedure update Kimberley Ziya 12:40 CIL cases in the High Court John Litton QC 13:10 Discussion and questions 13:30 Close and lunch

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