The Administrative Court (Ritchie J) today handed down judgment in R (OK) v Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and Doctors of the World intervening) [2021] EWHC 3165 (Admin). The challenge raises the question of the correct approach to whether or not secondary health services constitute an “urgent service” for the purpose of the NHS charging regime. The legal framework is primarily found in the National Health Service Overseas Visitors Regulations 2015 (the 2015 Regulations). The 2015 Regulations provide that bodies providing secondary health care services must charge and collect payment in advance from a person who is an ‘overseas visitor’, defined as a person not ordinarily resident in the UK. One exception to that obligation arises where securing payment in advance would prevent or delay the provision of immediately necessary treatment or an urgent service. The 2015 Regulations provide as follows: ““urgent service” means a service that the treating clinician determines is not an immediately necessary service but which should not wait until the recipient can be reasonably expected to leave the United Kingdom.” There is also detailed guidance provided by the Department for Health and Social Care on the application of the 2015 Regulations. The Claimant has lived in the UK since 1990 and was granted indefinite leave to remain in 1996; however, following his conviction for cannabis importation and false document offences, was the subject of a deportation order which had the effect of invalidating his leave. In 2019, the Claimant attended hospital and was diagnosed as suffering from an acute kidney injury as a result of sepsis caused by a dog bite. He was subsequently provided with routine scheduled haemodialysis three times a week. Subsequently, the Defendant’s overseas visitors team ascertained that the Claimant was an ‘overseas visitor’ and chargeable pursuant to the 2015 Regulations. At that point, the Defendant’s clinicians decided that, as he was only entitled to urgent (or immediately necessary) treatment, the Claimant would need to attend Accident & Emergency in order to obtain dialysis treatment, which would only be provided following an assessment that the treatment was urgent. The Claimant challenged the Defendant’s decision-making on the basis that the Trust’s doctors misunderstood the meaning of urgent treatment, which only requires clinicians to consider whether the treatment in question can wait until the overseas visitor can reasonably be expected to leave the UK. The Claimant argued that this was the correct meaning of the term as indicated both by the 2015 Regulations and the guidance. In this case, it was argued, the clinicians provided an inferior service on the simple basis that the claimant was an overseas visitor, and thus strayed into consideration of policy rather than clinical issues. The defendant Trust accepted that, had the claimant not been an overseas visitor, he would have continued to receive scheduled dialysis treatment. Doctors of the World, an NGO that undertakes significant work supporting migrants who have been denied treatment under the charging regime, intervened in support of the Claimant’s case. The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care intervened in support of the Defendant’s position. Ritchie J dismissed the challenge, concluding that: