
Bristol Airport planning inquiry opens

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The inquiry into the appeal by Bristol Airport Limited against the refusal by North Somerset Council to grant planning permission for an expansion of Bristol Airport opened today.

The appeal concerns the expansion of the airport’s capacity from 10 million passengers per annum (“mppa”) to 12 mppa, along with additional operational development, including extensions to the terminal buildings, erection of a multi storey car park, an extension to the existing surface car parking and improvements to the A38.  The inquiry traverses a number of issues, including climate change/carbon emissions, air quality, Green Belt, noise, surface access, forecasting and economic impact.  Notably, the appeal is the first appeal to consider recent Government announcements concerning aviation and climate change, in particular the Jet Zero consultation.

The inquiry is sitting for 10 weeks and is one of the first hybrid public inquiries held for a section 78 appeal: the Inspectors, advocates and witnesses are participating both in person and virtually.

Reuben Taylor QC and Matthew Henderson are appearing for North Somerset Council at the inquiry.

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