
Conversion of Listed Building in Green Belt approved

Agriculture 1850690 1920

Reigate & Banstead BC has approved a major re-development of Legal & General’s former HQ site in Kingswood, to provide Inspired Villages (L&G’s retirement community wing) with a 280 unit scheme. The Arup designed main building lies entirely in the Green Belt and at Grade II* is one of the country’s youngest Listed Buildings. Surrounded by a designed garden with parking courts and a ceremonial approach, the re-development pose challenges in both Green Belt and heritage terms. Working closely with Historic England, the developer team achieved a local consent outside the plan-making process. The benefits of retaining the building overcame a degree of heritage harm and combined with specialist housing need were enough to represent Very Special Circumstances. Resolution to grant permission was reached after a virtual committee meeting. A copy of the report to committee can be found here. Rupert Warren QC advised IVG, working with Avison Young (planning) and Montagu Evans (heritage)

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