On Friday 24 January 2025, four London homes were spared from demolition following the successful outcome of five conjoined appeals. The case involved challenges to four enforcement notices issued by the London Borough of Barnet and a fifth appeal against a refusal of a retrospective section 73 application.
The enforcement appeals addressed claims that the as-built homes deviated from approved plans, including increased roof heights and additional dormer windows and rooflights. The notices required their demolition.
In his decision, the Secretary of State’s Inspector found the as-built development to be acceptable, concluding it did not harm the character or appearance of the area or the living conditions of future and neighbouring occupiers. He also found it complied with local policy. As a result, he granted planning permission for the as-built scheme and the enforcement notices ceased to have effect.
Joel Semakula acted for the Appellant, Xstro Investments Ltd., instructed by Emily Hall of WS Planning.