
Dudley CPO confirmed

The Metropolitan Borough of Dudley (Castle Hill, Dudley) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 has been confirmed following a public inquiry. The scheme underlying the CPO comprises the provision of a new tertiary education facility on the site of the former Hippodrome Theatre. The Council’s evidence to the inquiry was that students attending the the facility will have better job prospects and outcomes, which will increase productivity levels, with 90% of learners anticipated to gain relevant experience, being ‘job ready’. This will over time raise the Gross Value Added (GVA) in the borough’s local economy as higher skilled jobs attract higher wages, resulting in greater disposable income to spend in the borough. The AA’s Statement of Case12 details a net additional GVA of £2.7 million per annum, with total economic benefits of £415.6 million and a Net Present Social Value of £285.1 million. The Government has committed £25m to the scheme, pursuant to its Towns Fund, announced in September 2019.

Rob Walton KC advised and represented the Dudley MBC throughout the CPO process, instructed by Browne Jacobson LLP

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