
Earl Road, Handforth Dean

Graeme represented Cheshire East Council at a planning inquiry into proposed retail development off Earl Road in Handforth Dean, which ran for 6 weeks between January and May 2018. The inquiry concerned three called-in applications by CPG Development Projects Ltd for 27,439m2 of retail and restaurants and a recovered appeal by Orbit Investments (Properties) Ltd in respect of 6,035m2 of retail. Cheshire East resolved to grant planning permission for the called-in applications and refused permission for the recovered appeal. Six parties were represented at the Inquiry: the Council; the Promoters of both schemes; Peel Holdings (Land and Property) Ltd; St Modwen Properties Plc; and Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. The objections were made on the grounds of: (a) loss of employment land to retail; (b) a failure to comply with the sequential test for retail sites and a significant adverse impact on nearby town centres; (c) an unacceptable impact on the highway network and lack of sustainable transport options. In June 2019, the Secretary of State granted planning permission for the Orbit scheme and for Phase 1 (but not Phases 2&3) of the CPG scheme.

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