Inspector S J Papworth DipArch(Glos) RIBA, granted planning permission for the erection of 39 residential dwellings and listed building consent for the demolition of modern outbuildings, and the repair and refurbishment of a listed building, on previously developed land at Peasmarsh, on the outskirts of Guildford. Following a Hearing in June, the Inspector found that the proposal would have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development, although the effect on the purpose of including land within it to safeguard against encroachment would be predominantly similar to the prevailing situation. Although the proposal was therefore inappropriate development in the Green Belt to which substantial weight should be given, the Inspector found that the only other harm was to the landscape character and that would substantially reduce over time. The very special circumstances necessary to allow the development included: the restoration of the listed building; the provision of housing, given the Council’s inability to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply and the extent of the shortfall; the acute need for affordable housing; and the use of previously developed land in a borough where the emerging local plan proposes greenfield Green Belt release to meet housing need. Click here for the appeal decision. Graeme Keen QC acted for CALA Homes South Home Counties Limited