
Inspector grants planning permission for tall building in Lambeth

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Following a recent inquiry in May, a Planning Inspector has allowed an appeal and granted planning permission for a 15 storey building in the London borough of Lambeth. The site is currently undeveloped and sits at the intersection between Westminster Bridge Road and Kennington Road. The mixed-use development will deliver hotel accommodation along with a publicly accessible gym, bar and restaurant facilities, and office and light industrial uses.

The Inspector found that “the design would be visually interesting, well-proportioned and would enhance local character”; that the building would “make a positive contribution to the balance and mix of uses in the locality”; and that the economic, social and environmental benefits weighed in favour of the grant of planning permission.

One of the key issues was the effect of the proposal on the setting of the Grade II listed Lincoln Tower – a monument to the abolition of slavery and dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. Overall the Inspector found that the proposal would not result in harm to the significance of the Lincoln Tower or the historical environment.

The appeal decision can be found here.

Neil Cameron KC and Edward Arash Abedian appeared for the Appellant, instructed by Town Legal LLP.

Heather Sargent appeared for the London Borough of Lambeth.

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