
Land to the South of the Railway Line, Westerfield Road, Ipswich

Three-week 'recovered' inquiry into an appeal by Mersea Homes and CBRE in respect of a proposed 1,085 dwelling urban extension to form the first phase of the new Northern Fringe of Ipswich, which is earmarked for up to 5,000 new homes in Ipswich Borough Council's draft Core Strategy.. The scheme was opposed by the Council and Crest Strategic Projects Ltd, a Rule 6 party to the inquiry with an interest in one of the other main sites within the Northern Fringe. A number of issues were examined in evidence and submissions, including: 1) Whether the application was premature pending the adoption of the Council's Core Strategy and the subsequent SPD masterplanning process. 2) Whether the scheme would have an unacceptable impact on the separate identity of Westerfield Village. 3) Whether the scheme would prejudice the ability to provide a bridge over the railway which currently separates the site from the Crest land, which was widely recognised as a crucial feature for the comprehensive development of the Northern Fringe. 4) The adequacy of the Design and Access Statement submitted with the outline application. 5) The impact of noise and vibration from the railway line on the living environment of dwellings abutting it. 6) The implications of the scheme for the current and future educational infrastructure in Ipswich. On 1st September 2010 the Secretary of State dismissed the appeal, in accordance with the Inspector's recommendation, upholding Crest's objections to the scheme. Charles Banner acted for Crest Strategic Projects Ltd, instructed by Davies Arnold Cooper LLP.

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