
Landmark planning barristers appear in seven of the top ten planning decisions of the summer

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Planning magazine has produced a summary of the most downloaded planning inquiries and hearings from Compass covering 1 July 2023 to 30 September 2023.

The top ten appeal decisions covered a number of high profile cases ranging from the proposed redevelopment of the Marks and Spencer store on Oxford Street to developments on greenfield land; and from solar farms to zero-carbon developments.

Of the top ten appeals of the summer, Landmark members were involved in seven out of the ten decisions. This included ten different members of Landmark Chambers: Russell Harris KC, Sasha White KC, David Forsdick KC, Gwion Lewis KC, Zack Simons (three cases), Heather Sargent, Matthew Fraser, Isabella Buono, Joe Thomas and Barney McCay.

The full list can be found here (behind paywall).

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