A scheme for 332 apartments on a site immediately adjoining Lancashire County Cricket Club’s (“LCCC”) Old Trafford stadium has been refused permission in an Inspector’s decision dated 6th May 2022 notwithstanding the lack of a 5 year housing land supply. Whilst most of the conclusions are site and proposal specific, the decision is notable for concluding after a fully contested viability case that 40% affordable housing was viable (against an offer of 6%). On other matters, agreeing with the Council the Inspector found the appeal scheme:
1. “would not be sympathetic to surrounding built form” in particular the stadium and surrounding residential areas and would not create “a high quality, beautiful place that would function well, be visually attractive, sympathetic to local character and add to the overall quality of the area”; 2. would not respect the agent of change principle – because noise from concerts at the stadium would result in time limited but significant adverse impacts on future occupants and the proposed mitigation would not be effective especially if doors and windows were left open in summer evenings thus potentially impacting LCCC’s events licence to the detriment of the club; 3. would not provide adequate quality amenity space or appropriate outlook for some units; 4. would be overbearing on surrounding residential areas; 5. would not protect, preserve and enhance locally significant historic buildings
David Forsdick QC acted for Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council. A copy of the decision can be found here.