
New NPPF published

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The Government has today published its new version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Having issued a consultation draft soon after coming into office in July 2024, the Government has now considered the responses and issued its final version of the policy document. It makes substantial changes to planning policy in a number of areas, most notably in relation to the Green Belt, policy for which now includes the category of ‘grey belt’ – land which is either previously developed or performs poorly against a number of the purposes of the Green Belt. Proposals on grey belt land will no longer be classed as “inappropriate development” and will not have to demonstrate Very Special Circumstances in order to be approved, subject to so-called ‘Golden Rules’ aimed at ensuring Green Belt release brings with it schemes with high levels of affordable housing, related infrastructure and open space.

The Green Belt changes are part of a wider recasting of policy to drive growth – not just in terms of housing delivery but in all sectors. A notable change is the presumption in favour of development on brownfield land, as well as further changes also made to the key development management policy in paragraph 11 (the ‘Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development’). Housing requirements are to be recast with a more direct set of requirements that they be met by local planning authorities; detailed transitional provisions apply to the changeover to what is envisaged to be a new plan-making process delivering greater levels of housing across the country.

Important strengthened policy relating to commercial development is also included, encompassing traditional industry and office uses but highlighting critical national infrastructure such as data centres and logistics.

The Government has indicated that policy reform is not intended to stop with the new NPPF. New detailed guidance on viability and other matters is to be published in the New Year and there is to be full consideration of the introduction of National Development Management Policies.

Landmark’s first webinar relating to the new NPPF is scheduled to take place on 18 December: you can register here.

A team from Landmark comprising Rupert Warren KC, Richard Moules KC and Nick Grant advised The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on the new NPPF.

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