
New Upper Tribunal Decision on CAADs

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In Bashir v London Borough of Newham [2024] UKUT 00146 (LC) the Upper Tribunal (HHJ Alice Robinson and Mr Peter D McCrea) considered an application for a CAAD including a tall tower on Sugar House Lane, Stratford. The issues included land use (residential v commercial), whether the proposal was a tall building, compliance with design policies, heritage impacts, and townscape harm.

The decision includes a helpful re-statement of the legal principles applicable to CAAD applications, including the extent to which an appellant needs to have prepared a full design of their application and how much it can rely on further detail being dealt with at a later stage.

Neil Cameron KC and Nick Grant appeared for the London Borough of Newham, instructed by Sophie Stewart at DLA Piper and Lisa Tye from Shoosmiths.

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