
Permission granted for the retention of Watford FC’s indoor training facility in the Green Belt


Appeal Decision: Watford FC, training ground facility in the Green Belt, 'Very Special Circumstances' (VSC) demonstrated for a Dome under which a community found a safe haven during Covid.

Following a six day inquiry in May, on 1 October 2024 came the Inspector's decision granting consent for the retention of Watford Football Club's indoor training facility (22m high dome) which is in the Green Belt. The facility was granted temporary permission in 2018 for 5 years, only to be used in the winter months, and deflated in the summer periods.

The Council refused permission for a permanent structure saying it was too large and the impact unacceptable. The artificial pitch underneath had a valid permanent planning permission and so this was just about the Dome above it and its impact on openness. There was also heritage harm alleged to Salisbury Hall, a listed Grade II* asset and associated setting consisting of a small cluster of designated assets.

The 'VSC' case was compelling:

- Community use of the facility free of charge, compelling oral evidence heard from vulnerable communities using the facility. The issues engaged the Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equalities Act 2010.

- Club Academy's use, economic considerations for WFC's chances of promotion.

- Biodiversity and landscape enhancements. The impact of its removal was also not neutral, and the benefits of its retention an important part of the considerations.

The appeal decision can be accessed here.

Hashi Mohamed acted on behalf of the Appellant, Watford FC, Nick Green of Savills (planning), James Callaway and Laura Fletcher Gray (instructing planners) Ruth Bishop (landscape) Dan Jestico (Savills Earth - Sustainable design) Wesley Ankrah (Savills Earth - Social Value) Steven Handforth (Heritage). And evidence was also presented on behalf of Watford FC's Community Sports & Education Trust and Watford Football Club.

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