On Thursday 30 January 2025, the public hearings in the Wilton Park inquiry came to an end. This is among the first planning appeals to test the revised NPPF (2024) in the context of major development in the Green Belt. It considered the proper application of Grey Belt policy (paragraph 155) and the Golden Rules (paragraph 156), which introduce new requirements for housing schemes in the Green Belt.
The appeal concerns a proposal by Beechcroft Developments for 95 assisted living units and a 75-bed care home at Wilton Park in Beaconsfield. The scheme was promoted on the basis that it complied with: (i) the PDL exception (para154(g)) and/or (ii) the Grey Belt exception and/or, alternatively, the very special circumstances test. The inquiry examined issues relating to Green Belt purposes and openness, landscape impact, design, amenity and compliance with the new Golden Rules covering affordable housing and green space.
The decision is awaited.
Joel Semakula (led by Charlie Banner K.C.) appeared for Beechcroft Developments.
Nick Grant appeared for Buckinghamshire Council.