In a successful challenge to the adoption of a development plan, Mrs Justice Lieven has ruled that the large number of Green Belt allocations in the adopted Leeds Site Allocations Plan (SAP) are legally flawed due to inadequate reasons causing prejudice to the Claimant and an error of fact amounting to an error of law. The Council was also found to have breached the Strategic Environment Assessment Regulations by failing to consider and consult upon a ‘reasonable alternative’ to the strategy of continuing with the SAP in materially changed circumstances. However, in relation to that latter point, relief was not granted due to the Court finding that it was an error that would not have made any difference to the outcome. Aireborough Neighbourhood Development Forum (ANDF) had made an application under s.113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 challenging the decision of Leeds City Council to adopt the Leeds Site Allocations Plan. In a Judgment handed down today the Claim has succeeded on three grounds, namely the lack of adequate reasons to explain the required exceptional circumstances for removing the land from the Green Belt (GB), the lack of adequate reasons for assessing GB releases within each Housing Market Character Area (HMCA), and an error of fact relating to the actual surplus of housing supply over the relevant period. The draft SAP had been submitted for examination in 2017 and made allocations to meet the development needs identified in the 2014 Core Strategy (CS). The high level of housing need identified was considered to constitute exceptional circumstances to justify GB releases. However, during the course of the SAP examination it became clear that the housing needs identified in the CS were being significantly undermined by lower population projections, a much lower housing requirement calculated by reference to the Government’s new standard methodology and a much lower requirement being put forward in the emerging Core Strategy Selective Review (CSSR). Being a ‘daughter’ document in the development plan process, it was not the SAP’s role to revisit the level of housing need that it was required to meet and conform to. But the Claimant argued that the very much reduced level of likely actual housing need significantly undermined the case for exceptional circumstances for GB release and prompted the need for a fundamental rethink in that regard. That argument was accepted by the Court which found that the material change of circumstances had not been sufficiently considered, nor had its consequences been sufficiently explained. Whilst, during the course of the examination, the level of GB releases had been reduced to accommodate housing needs in the first five years of the plan only, it was still the case that inadequate reasons had been given to justify that approach. A few headline points from the Judgment are of particular note: