Inspector Mike Robins has allowed an appeal by Wates Developments granting planning permission against the decision of Basingstoke and Deane Council to refuse planning permission for a 140 dwelling residential-led development on an unallocated greenfield site in Bramley, Hampshire.
Although it was a “sensitive site” within the setting of multiple heritage assets, he found the public benefits of the proposal (which included new and affordable homes in an authority with 4.1YHLS, community facilities, considerable biodiversity benefits and additional footpath links, alongside “exceptionally high level of open space”) outweighed the harm to the setting of the heritage assets, which he held to be less than asserted by the Council and Historic England. The decision also considered, in detail, conditions to be imposed to overcome foulwater drainage issues.
Nick Grant (led by Charles Banner KC, Keating Chambers) appeared for the successful Appellant.