
Westridge Farm

Between 2020 and 2024, Graeme advised Westridge Village Limited on an application for the demolition of agricultural buildings and the proposed development of 473 new dwellings (35% affordable housing), café, doctors surgery and office space with associated site infrastructure (inclusive of roads, parking, photovoltaic pergolas, garages, bin and bikes stores, below ground foul waste pump, electric substations, surface water detention basins and swales, landscape and ecological mitigations and net biodiversity enhancements), public open spaces, suitable alternative natural greenspace and allotments.

Permission was granted by the Isle of Wight Council in August 2023, after a protracted 2 year period, following resolution to grant in 2021, subject to negotiation of a s.106 obligation. The application was very contentious and, as various changes in circumstances had occurred, and further objections been raised (including as to alleged procedural issues at the 2021 committee) in the intervening period, the application was taken back to committee for reconsideration. Following grant of planning permission, an application for judicial review was made – dismissed in August 2024.

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