Landmark barristers Stephen Whale and Matthew Dale-Harris provide a podcast that covers the Government’s recent Nature Recovery Green Paper on protected sites and species.
The discussion addresses the protection of wildlife sites, delivering “30 by 30”, protecting species and delivering nature recovery. Stephen and Matthew consider, amongst other issues, the implications for environmental law and planning law of the proposed fundamental changes to the EIA and HRA regimes, the possible disappearance of terms such as SAC, SPA and SSSI, dormant SSSI consents, the role of woodlands in nature recovery and the likely streamlining of the numerous Arms Length Bodies.
Stephen Whale and Matthew Dale-Harris, as well as other Landmark Barristers, offer further information on National Parks, AONBs, planning law and rights of way in their book “A Practical Guide to Planning Law and Rights of Way in National Parks, the Broads and AONBs”. For more information on their book, please follow this link.
The DEFRA consultation exercise on the green paper closes on 11 May 2022, and you may participate in this via Nature Recovery Green Paper: Protected Sites and Species - Defra - Citizen Space