Members of Landmark have advised Government on historic environment policy for many years, including on the NPPF and NPPG. The application of national guidance through strategic policy such as the London Plan and local plans has also been a constant theme in our work.
As the reach and scope of historic environment work has increased, members of Landmark have been in the forefront of legal developments, appearing in most of the principal cases, including the leading cases of Bramshill (overall approach to heritage decisions under the NPPF), Catesby Estates (setting of assets, London Historic Parks and Gardens and Save Stonehenge (alternatives), Bohm (Non Designated Heritage Assets).
Advising and representing all the stakeholders in the process of development in the heritage environment gives rise to a considerable workload for members of the planning group in chambers. They are regularly involved in applications and appeals from modest development affecting a single listed building setting to cases involving more substantial potential effects on assets of the highest importance, such as UK World Heritage Sites (the Tulip, Holocaust Memorial, Westferry Printworks, ITV South Bank) Grade I Listed Buildings, SAMs and RPGs (for instance major development affecting Stonehenge, Hatfield House, Kedleston Hall and the Tower of London).
Members are also at the forefront of the developing area of overlap between heritage and carbon considerations, for instance in the Marks & Spencer Marble Arch development.